Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 1: Proceedings and Votes

Organizational Meeting:
- Meeting pushed back from 2pm to 3pm. Hotel/Room issues.
- Goal: Elections of Officers (Pres, VP, and Sec)

I. Opening Business
A. Call to order at 15:28 Local Time
B. Prayer
C. Pledge
D. Credentials Committee Report: 105 Delegates (1620h), 43 States (after roll call)
II. Election of President
A. Nominations:
- M. Badnarik
- R. Schultz
- J. Davis
- P. Boyes
- E. Levin
- K. Tebedo
- C. Bleish
- L. Graves
- D. Gonzales
- S. Cox
- Note: Some nominations were removed, until at the end, after 3 rounds of voting, only 2 were left.
B. Motion: That a new President be selected each day by lot.
1. Substitute Motion: That the Office of President be opened up to non-Delegates who volunteer.
a. Arguments:
+. For: That as elected Delegates, all our time should be spent in debate, not administration.
-. Against: That non-Delegates were not elected, and only the elected representatives of the People have any business running the Congress.
b. Amendment to the Sub-Mo: That only the non-Voting Delegates be eligible for Office.
c. Move to Close Debate and Call to Question: 41 Yeas, 0 Nays (WV votes Yea)
d. Withdrawal of the Amendment- after lengthy debate, the Delegate is withdrew the amendment, with support of the body: 34 Yeas, 2 Nays (WV Votes Yea)
C. Motion to Postpone Indefinitely (Table) the Sub-Mo.
1. Call to Question: 33 Yeas, 1 Nay (WV Votes Yea)
D. Substitute Motion: That the nominations for President are also the Nominations for Vice President. Never voted on, ruled out of order.
E. Call to Question on the Original Motion, as written:
- 1 Yea, 39 Nays (WV Votes Nay)
F. Roll Call is proposed, as Delegates arrived late. 35 Yeas, 0 Nays (WV Votes Yea)
G. Nominations closed, 1 speeches, 3 rounds of voting. End Result: M.Badnarik is elected President, and D. Gonzales as Vice President.


List of Votes from WV:
- Close Debate on Amendment of the Substitution Motion on the Presidency being opened to Non-Delegates. WV Votes Yea, with a total of 41 yeas, and 0 nays.

- Withdrawal of Amendment to disallow Voting Delegates to hold Office. WV Votes Yea, with a total of 31 yeas, and 2 nays.

- Close Debate on Postpone Indefinitely of the Substitution Motion. WV Votes Yea, with a total of 39 yeas, and 1 nay.

- Postpone Indefinitely of the Substitution Motion to open nomination to non-delegates. WV Vote Yea, with a total of 33 yeas, and 1 nay.

- Motion to have a new President every day with other rules. WV Votes Nay, with a total of 1 yea, and 39 nays.

- Request of Roll Call to ascertain the number of voting Delegates and represented States. WV Votes Yea, with a total of 35 yeas, and 0 nays.

- Motion of Proceedure for Elections: Nominations, Close Nominations, 1 mins speechs by nominees, Call to Question, Ballot vote, top-vote getter (plurality) is President.
- Motion is eventually rules in contradiction to Robert's Rules, and is withdrawn, but the process is unofficially followed.

- Motion to Close the Nominations for President: WV Votes Yea, with a total of 37 yeas, and 0 nays.

Rounds of Voting for President: WV Voted for S. Cox in the first two rounds, and M. Badnarik in the last.

- Motion to recess until 8pm Local. WV Votes Nay with a total of 8 yeas, and 32 nays.

- Motion to accept Presidential Nominees (minus withdrawals) as VP Nominees. Vote Never Taken. WV would have voted Yea.

- Motion to suspend the rules to allow 2nd place voter getter to be VP. WV Votes Yea (this is how our Constitution originally was set up, I do not see myself voting for a suspension of the rules again, as this is one of the biggest problems in US Congress and State Legislature) with a total of 32 yeas, and 2 nays.

- Voice Vote to accept D. Miller as Secretary. Passed, with WV Voting Yea.

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