Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 2: Motions


- Voice vote to accept the report from the Credentials Committee. WV Votes Yea, and the motion passes.

- Amendment of the Rules to allow Laptops with restrictions:
---- Substitute Amendment: To allow in Congress, but not Committee. WV Votes Nay, and the amendment failed.
---- Final Vote on the issue: WV Votes Yea, and the motion Passes.
---- I spoke on this issue, saying "Sunshine is the best disinfectant." Meaning that we should be not be afraid to have our words heard, by the People or the Government.

- Adoption of Rules as Amended. WV Votes Yea, and the motion passes.
---- Amendment to disallow any motions which seek to amend the US Constitution. WV Votes Yea, and the amendment passes.

- Motion to Instruct Congress by R. Schultz.
---- After lenthy and heated debate, no vote is taken. WV would have voted Nay.

- Motion to accept report from Committee. WV Votes Yea, and the motion passes.

- Motion to use Coalition Groups to present the findings of this Congress to the States. WV Votes Nay, and the motion failed.
---- We voted this down because it was presumptive, and redundant. Many of us are already doing this, and we did not need to be 'forced' to do so by this body.

- Motion to accept the Declaration of Non-Authority. Sent to Committee for revision and compilation.

- Motion to send Documents to the military, governments, and law enforcement. WV did not vote, I was in caucus at this time. The motion failed.

- Motion to accept the Plan of Action proposed by the Delegate from Tennessee and others. Was sent to Committee with the Declaration.
---- I would have voted no for this motion. It proposed to forcibly remove some elected officials from office, without provocation, with the Sheriffs and Militia. Aside from not being possible, I believed that it was an inappropriate use of the militia, and presumed too much authority for this Body.

- Motion to Amend the Schedule. WV votes Yea, the motion is passed.


I attended the "Last Ditch First Caucus" which I helped to form to discuss the last ditch attempts to protect liberty, prepare for that eventuality first, and then work forwards once our ducks are in a row to secure our survival and ability to fight for liberty, then we begin exhaust any political means which may be left.

We split into two groups to discuss Militia, 2A, Firearms in one group, and Sound Money in another. The Sound Money Committee produced a document, and the other did not. I've written two motions which will be introduced to the Caucus tonight and hopefully introduced tomorrow. I will post final versions when they are available.

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